Fnji is an independent furniture brand founded in 2010 by designer Guqi Gao. Fnji ideal is to make practical, sturdy, durable and elegant everyday furniture.
In Chinese, “梵” means clean and serene and “几” refers to furniture, so “梵几”, the brand name, refers to clean and serene furniture. A homonym of “梵几” is “凡几”, which means ordinary furniture. It is the philosophy of Fnji to make furniture practical for life and naturally integrated into life.
Since its birth, Fnji has been working on applying new design to traditional craftsmanship and has been thinking about multiple possibilities of inheritance.
Fnji wants to be a part of the daily life of contemporary Chinese and create more possibilities of lifestyle through furniture design. In this way, it will gradually influence the aesthetic taste of more aspects of life.
Store Info:
Location: 2230a/2230b
Business hours: 10:00-22:00
Phone: 028-65100422